Awesome notes
When I found an interesting article or resource, if something opened my eyes I documented it here.
BIRD-SQL - BIg Bench for LaRge-scale Database Grounded Text-to-SQL Evaluation, over 12,751 unique question-SQL pairs, 95 big databases. It also covers more than 37 professional domains.
Inner Source Patters - how to use of open source principles and practices for software development within the confines of an organization.
Cost optimization of Dataflow pipelines - beyond optimization, a collection of references to valuable materials.
How we built a new powerful JSON data type for ClickHouse - variant and dynamic types, dense storage, arbitrary nesting.
Consistency Models - consistency models for concurrent systems.
Big Data is dead - by Jordan Tigani, ex googler, DuckDB advocate.
Apache Druid tuning guide - how to achieve sub-second responses.
Apache Beam Design Documents - These documents, managed by Googlers, provide an explanation of the Beam programming model and more.
Dataflow Streaming Execution Model - Processing within exactly-once guarantees and with latencies consistently in the low single-digit seconds.
How NAT traversal works - How to traverse firewalls, SNAT, CGNAT in mesh networks.
Tracking health over debt - How to evaluate projects quality using lenses for: development, operations and architecture.
How to write efficient Flink SQL - What is a difference between: dual-stream, lookup, interval, temporal and window joins.
Part 1, part 2 and part 3 - Fleet-wide refactoring at Spotify, how to get 70% adoption of shared library in 7 days?
Lessons from Building Static Analysis Tools at Google - Finding bugs is easy, but how make them actionable at scale?
BigQuery metadata - When Metadata is Big Data.
Prompt engineering - How to talk to GenAI (in polish)?
Datadog incident - Multi-region and multi-cloud architecture didn’t necessarily help to avoid the outage if you forget about legacy security in-place update channel.
The Engineer/Manager Pendulum - You don’t have to choose to be one or the other, but that you must choose one at a time.
JavaScript event loop and Node.js event loop - Runtime models for JavaScript in the browser and server side.
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! and Learning Scalaz - Side by side comparision.
Valhalla - Mechanical sympathy for Java.
test && commit || revert - How to reduce size of the change to increase velocity? Revert the change always if tests fail!
Learning different technologies based in the Scala Programming Language - Coding exercises for Standard library, FP in Scala, Cats and other libraries.
Abstract Type Members versus Generic Type Parameters in Scala -
trait Collection[T] {}
vs.trait Collection { type T }
. -
The Principles of the Flix Programming Language - Design principles of Flix programming language and Flix compiler. Awesome checklist.
Local-first applications with automerge - Conflict-Free Replicated Data Type (CRDT), binary protocol, lossless snapshots, JavaScript and Rust (WebAssembly) implementations.
Re-architecting Apache Kafka for the cloud - Tiered storage, Kraft cluster management (instead of ZK), multi-tenancy (consumer/producer quota, threads, connections, replication quota).
Understanding the Python GIL - Global interpreter lock, the reason why Python doesn’t scale on multi-core architectures.
Roblox Return to Service 10/28-10/31 2021 - Postmortem from non-trivial 73h outage due to Consul failure, why it took so long? Consul monitoring didn’t work without Consul 😜
Exception Handling Considered Harmful - If you have always perceived that exception handling doesn’t really work.
The Scheduler Saga - Implement Goroutines from scratch: global run-queue, distributed run-queue, work stealing, handoff, cooperative preemption, FIFO vs LIFO.
A Guide to the Go Garbage Collector - Interesting how it differs from JVM, one or two knobs for configuration.
Minimal version selection (MVS) - Dependency management algorithm to produce high fidelity builds.
Documenting architecture decisions - One or two pagers with the motivations behind important architecture decisions, without ADRs this kind of knowledge evaporates.
Code review automated comments - Framework used by many tools for commenting code reviews (documentation linters, static code analysis, test coverage).
Write a documentation like a pro - Apply Microsoft or Google style guide for your writing.
Test sizes - Google way for tests classification: small, medium, large (in addition to test scopes: unit, integration, e2e).
Pre-commit: Don’t Git hooked! - Don’t use Git pre-commit hook for checking code quality, valuable checks take too much time to run.
Don’t deploy applications with Terraform - Terraform is for static resources management, not for application deployment.