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The Go programming language

3 minute read

Go is a modern programming language designed at Google to improve developer productivity. But how to improve productivity? By limiting engineers’ power and flexibility 😂

Apache Beam SQL

36 minute read

If you are a BigData engineer who develops batch data pipelines, you might often hear that stream processing is the future. It unlocks the full potential of data that’s often unbounded in nature. You don’t need batch pipelines anymore, implement everything in a streaming fashion. There are plenty of modern and ea...

Apache Beam Summit 2022

15 minute read

Last week I virtually attended Apache Beam Summit 2022 held in Austin, Texas. The event concentrates around Apache Beam and the runners like Dataflow, Flink, Spark or Samza. Below you can find my overall impression of the conference and notes from several interesting sessions. If some aspect was particularly appeal...

FinOps for data pipelines on Google Cloud Platform

25 minute read

Do you check costs of the data pipelines in exactly the same way as you check overall health, latency or throughput? Nowadays, taking care of cost efficiency is an integral part of every data engineer job. I would like to share my own experiences with applying FinOps discipline in the organization within tens of da...

GCP Dataproc and Apache Spark tuning

8 minute read

Dataproc is a fully managed and highly scalable Google Cloud Platform service for running Apache Spark. However, “managed” doesn’t relieve you from the proper configuration to squeeze more processing power for less money. Today you will learn the easiest method to configure Dataproc and Spark together to get optimal...

GCP Cloud Composer and Apache Airflow tuning

15 minute read

I would love to only develop streaming pipelines but in reality some of them are still batch oriented. Today you will learn how to properly configure Google Cloud Platform scheduler – Cloud Composer.

Stream processing – part 2

23 minute read

This is the second part of the stream processing blog post series. In the first part I presented aggregations in a fixed, non-overlapping windows. Now you will learn dynamic aggregations in data-driven windows, for which the size of each window depends on the input data instead of a predefined time based pattern. At...

Stream processing – part 1

17 minute read

This is the first part of the stream processing blog post series. From the series you will learn how to develop and test stateful streaming data pipelines.